Atusaye Boutique

When rest is calling

This month’s entry explores the essential concept of rest, emphasising its importance for both the body and mind.

The discussion draws on biblical scriptures, particularly highlighting how renewing one’s mind through the Word of God is transformative.

Rest, seen as a gift, is critical for managing life changes and responsibilities effectively.

The post underscores the necessity of doing a lifestyle review, which involves setting priorities and planning rest to prevent exhaustion, ultimately illustrating that true rest is found in Christ.

When rest is calling Read More »

Glory to the most HIGH – Part 2

Through Jesus Christ and life in the Spirit, we are free from sin’s grip and condemnation, called to embody His teachings in thought and action.

Romans 8 inspires us, reminding us that without God, we fall prey to fulfilling the desires of the flesh.

Our continual connection with God cultivates a fruitful life, glorifying Him as we become conduits of His divine will.

Glory to the most HIGH – Part 2 Read More »

Glory to the most HIGH – Part 1

Embracing the struggle between our human nature and the desire to honour God, this post reminds us that true strength and success come not from our efforts, but from God’s grace and power within us.

It challenges us to examine whether our claimed victories and glories are genuinely attributed to God or to our own endeavours, urging us to align our will with God’s and recognise His role in even the smallest aspects of our lives.

We’re called to honesty in our relationship with God, acknowledging our sins yet understanding that they don’t define our identity in Christ.

Glory to the most HIGH – Part 1 Read More »


Hey everyone, this week’s illuminating post dives deep into our spiritual adoption into God’s family, shedding light on how embracing our identity as His children transcends mere birthright.

Through Christ, we’re gifted a new name, identity, and the profound status as co-heirs, sharing in both Christ’s glory and sufferings.

Discover the transformation that comes with truly living in His presence, unveiling our immense power as God’s beloved.

Your feedback is cherished, so share how this message resonates with you!

Adopted Read More »

There lies the poison

Welcome to a heartfelt exploration of the perils of perfectionism that plagues modern society.

Through examining biblical contexts and personal musings, we unveil the truth: chasing perfection blinds us to life’s genuine journey and God’s plans.

Let go of this societal poison and embrace the beauty in imperfection, finding solace in the knowledge that through Christ, we are already complete.

Join us as we discover the liberating path away from perfection, towards a life lived with purpose and perspective.

There lies the poison Read More »

Don’t be weary

Embrace the new year with our enlightening follow-up to ‘Hope’.

Unpack the essence of weariness in hope’s journey; it’s not just exhaustion, but a result of inner turmoil from doubt, fear, or impatience.

Discover how choosing to wait on the Lord, rather than outcomes, renews strength and combats weariness.

Emphasise hope as a choice, cultivated by patience and God’s word. Let us choose to hope, and not succumb to the weariness that waits to envelop us.

Keep faith, choose hope, and stay connected to the Lord.

Don’t be weary Read More »


This blog post explores the concept of hope as an essential life ingredient and its interlinking with faith in God.

It defines hope as a pleasurable desire with an expectation of realisation and details the author’s personal journey of remaining hopeful through trust in God’s plan, timing, and direction.

The author emphasises the transformation in life when prioritising God and trusting in His control over circumstances, rather than relying on personal strength.

Practical advice includes praying before decision-making and embracing God’s will. The post concludes with a call to know God’s word and to share personal principles for maintaining hope in the comments section.

Hope  Read More »


In her 5th blog post, Lelo delves into the concept of love inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Drawing insights from scripture, notably 1 Corinthians 13, she comprehends love as a patient, kind, selfless, and forgiving force, not characterised by pride, jealousy, or rudeness.

Her reflections help her realise that love, rather than hurt or control, should guide our actions and should be manifest in all our relationships.

To achieve this, she insists on the need for self-discipline under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

AGAPE Read More »

Can we do it alone?

The blog post reflects on the importance of collaboration drawn from the author’s personal experience running Atusaye Boutique.

The struggle with handling all operations alone led to stress and inefficiency.

The blog also discusses the fear and trauma that may contribute to a lack of collaboration. The author suggests turning to God, healing, forgiving, and seeking professional help to overcome these issues.

It emphasizes that we need to delegate tasks for business growth, equating the concept to Biblical teachings on the importance of unity and interdependence.

Can we do it alone? Read More »

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